Christmas Countdown Day #15 – Top Online Shopping Websites

Hello again! Just a warning: this blog post will be quite short because it is late, I am young, and you will need to be spending as much time as possible on these websites before you have to (god forbid) go to the bathroom or eat, trust me.

For Day #15 of my blogmas I have decided to help some of you out and use my ‘teenage skills in showing you all some of my favourite online shopping stores. I think I am the only 15 year old I know who doesn’t like shopping, the only time I like it is when i don’t have to buy something, and I am online. I am the sort of person who will walk into a store, see a top that i have been searching for for 3 hours but if I have to try it on… I suddenly don’t need it that bad. Shopping brings out the worst in everyone though. but not for long! Feel free to snuggle up in bed while on these stores and feeling productive! Who knew your day of shopping could turn into a lousy pyjamas day!

  1. Asos – always reliable, many stores, quick shipping.
  2. The Iconic – great range, next-day delivery.
  3. Peppermayo – cute clothes, cheapish.
  4. Zaful – scarily cheap, reliable.
  5. Topshop – all the stuff they have in stores and more.
  6. Zara – all the stuff they have in stores and more.
  7. H&M – all the stuff they have in stores, cheap.
  8. Showpo – cute clothes, reliable.
  9. Missguided – cute clothes, reliable.
  10. SurfStitch – wide range.

I apologies in advance if any of these are inaccessible wherever in the world you are, but these are my top 10. I will not leave you to your shopping but promise me you’ll try these; you won’t regret it! See you tomorrow!

Much love,

Sophia xx


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